Large accomodations can be arranged, if necessary, up to 19.
Gun hunters must wear a solid orange cap and vest.
All guns must be plugged and can only hold 3 slugs, no buckshot.
Weapons must be cased while riding in vehicle at all times.
We will take you to your deer stand and come and get you, if you prefer.
When applying for deer tags, choose either Peoria, Stark or Knox County.
50% deposit required when booking hunt, balance due upon arrival.
All hunters required to sign a liability waiver, and signed contract. No refunds.
Our guides can deliver your game for processing and taxidermy if you prefer.
No guarantees on filling tag, we encourage harvesting does.
Every hunter must have and bring their own safety harness to use while in the deer
Fishing is excellent at all 5 ponds if clients tag out early in
their stay. There is access to a fishing cabin with fireplace, boats and a dock at every pond.
World class raccoon hunting is offered at
some of our other farms. Bring your hounds and stay at the lodge.